PG Accounting Services Limited
Affordable Solutions for your business
Book-keeping/VAT Return Services
Why use our Book-keeping Service?

How does it work?
All we need to do is to make arrangements for the collection of your paperwork on a regular basis, the may be monthly or perhaps quarterly to co-incide with your VAT quarters. This is then processes on to our accounting package.
At the end of each month, or quarter, once all your transactions are processed, we will provide able to provide you with the following reports, enabling us to see how your business is performing:-
Profit and Loss Account
Balance Sheet
VAT Returns
Aged Debtor Reports
Aged Creditor Reports
These reports can be reviewed with you and we can look discuss any observations from ourselves, ie drawing your attention to escalting costs.
For more information all us on 0113 2608614 or email me at
Why use our Book-keeping Service?
Let us take the strain of keeping your accounts up to date with our book-keeping service.
The time you spend processing the day to day finances is time that could be spent developing your business.
Save time and money by allowing you/your staff to spend their time working in areas where their skills can be used more productively.
Be sure that all your records comply with statutory regulations for both Corporation Tax and Income Tax purposes.
Monthly /quarterly mangement reports available so that yuor business can be monitered on an ongoing basis.
By having you book-keeping looked after on a day to day basis, this cancut your year end fees substantially, sometimes by up to 50%.ther to you, or directly to your employees.
Avoid VAT penalties, by making sure your VAT returns are all submitted within the allowed deadlines. These will be submitted online by us on your behalf.
How much will it cost?
Once an initial assessment is made of the work involved and we have discussed your requirements from out book-keeping service, you will be quoted a fixed weekly fee for maintaining your accounting records.
The price will depend on the size of the business and the number of transactions involved, but prices can start from as little as £30 per week.
Call us on 0113 2608614 for a quote or email me at